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what is the cheat code for this update?




Can we have an option to upload our own photo for our character ??? The options are all the same with no different races other than white 🤡 And we only have 3 or 2 cuties in there LIEK pls lets be serious...

 Why in sex scenes there are no more images or gifs ?


I read above on this page:

NOTE: Please note that, due to file limitations on itch, the online version won’t have any media displayed on sex scenes. HOWEVER, the files are in the offline version, so for the complete experience I recommend to download the offline version.

Funny how much it is possible to learn by reading.


thanks  but sorry if I didn't see,and I'm so happy that you know how to read, you'll go far because of it 

Maybe they can teach you how to read so you wont miss the obvious message next time. 🤭

True 😁

(1 edit) (-1)

I think I'm misunderstanding what genre this game is.

You said "Your attitude cannot grow anymore, but it can go down to slave, and even worse, each time your attitude goes down, your submission rises." Is this supposed to be a negative thing? My attitude has been slave. For a long time. I see no negatives associated with this. I also am a sub, and always have been, and in fact started as a Sub Guy. I see no negatives associated with submission rising.

It's true that while I enjoyed this game initially, I have not been enjoying it recently. I'm wondering if this is because the very thing that I'm purposefully doing -- playing a submissive character -- is, in fact, intended as a negative outcome, and that somehow was never clear to me. Are we not supposed to be able to choose to play as a submissive character unless we want negative consequences? If so, why is this not made more obvious?

(1 edit) (+1)

The negative outcome of submission comes at 150, it will be game over (I'm gonna change it to a long scene though)

Now that I think of it, maybe I went overboard with the pill at Ursus, getting it down to 0 inmediately. That needs a bit of tweaking.

(1 edit) (-1)

Well, I have not played the most recent update -- I was just reading the changelog -- so I don't know anything about specific numbers that may or may not need tweaking. I just thought it was really odd that slave attitude and submission are considered negative consequences when they appeared to me to be player choices. So, it sounds like your intent is that high levels of submission are considered something that the MC doesn't want. To me, this implies the MC is not intended to be submissive. But nothing about the game description, nor what I've played so far, gives any indication of that. That's why I said I might have misunderstood the genre -- because this seems to be a game mechanic that's specific to bad end simulators rather than sandbox games. But maybe your statement that the MC is canonically versatile (and I guess also a switch, even though that wasn't mentioned) was supposed to imply that the goal of the game is to avoid going too far in one direction?

Hi, I had a question. I usually play on joyplay on mobile, and in the new version i cant save, like, at all, not even the automatic ones appear, so I wanted to know if someone might know what the issue is, and how to fix it, or other app I can use

It's weird. I'm gonna test it myself in my phone later today.


Ok, you're right. The game's saves are no longer working on joiplay.

There is an alternate way to run this game (I learned about it today). Install File Manager Plus from the Play Store. Once installed, go to the .html (Index.html if you didn't change the name) and open it with your favorite browser (I used Chrome). And it will open it, I played and the saves work now.

I'll make a devlog post later to let everyone know. Thanx for the warning.

Another update. There's a way to run the game on joiplay: Go to Configuration-> HTML and enable all options. Save changes. Now you'll be able to save and load savefiles on joiplay.


You are right, it worked, thank you so much! Love this game, you have done an amazing job so far 


Uh, guys, sorry I didn't realize the patch notes were in the draft section and I didn't publish it... so there it goes.

what's the new code

I'm sorry, it was supposed to be on the changelog... and I didn't realize I didn't publish it so there it goes. Just in case, it's: sub

Is this a dead game??


Nope, Rafster still working on it..

But he needs some motivations..

*pulls out the whip

(15 edits) (+1)

Few little issues i find playing it..

- The MC is 28, most of the portaits looks really older than that..

- The MC lived with uncle Sylas for 10 years and more and have 0 relationship with him, but the first thing you receive is a call from him once you settled in the new apartment and looks like he knows you really good as talking about sexual stuffs and liking..

- Acting like a Sub reduce friendship with Mark at the first encounter while he just acting as Top,  every time we meet him in his shop or mall raises it while having sex, while acting with Top attitude raises it!

(About the encounters with him in his shop, after the first time we satisfied the curiosity about the second floor would be nice morph that phrase or make available another scene with him if easier to do)

- The MC have no sexual knoweledge at 28 years, and we're going to morph him in a pervert just in few weeks!

- Francis is described as an elegant man, the scenes with him are really good, but the hell,  we suddenly have grey hair and looks older than him!

- The normal scene in the Prison's showers have an option that have a Rep check but is still locked also at 30! I'm curious!

-After "paying" the rent in prison's showers you awake the day after with 100 energy but 0 Sex Drive, you did that by purpose?

- VIP sex encounter with Derek don't lower sex drive, just energy

- Out of buying the PC Upgrade and tons of soap having lot of money seems only be useful later in Garret route, we start already with all the clothes (need perhaps a washing machine!), seems the MC doesn't trust the safe sex,  having condoms in inventory and not using those! (I forgot them are useful also to date Dalton and Will, but there's space to improve!)

I found an error appearing while  in home, will remember to copy and paste here in the next run..

Some minor typos about capital with Wade and Garret names in some scenes of the gym, if i recall good one of those was in the scene with Wade chained, the option

  • Let's train, garrett

Yes i admit, i can't wait to see what you're going to add next!

(1 edit)

is there mpreg?

No, but you can have a child with Dalton end 1


What is the cheat code

Hell is the new code, the DEV change it by time in time, but you will find it in the changelog (the underlined word)

How do I extract without having the images in my photo gallery?

Deleted post
(1 edit)

Does anyone else had this problem, I have it everytime I run the game even on different browsers even downloaded it few times 

Can I get the job at the Clothing Store? I'm trying to do every run I can. I'm working at Ursus on one run, so I'm assuming the clothing store should be an option.

(3 edits)

JCS and Ursus Sex Worker are for now the only available..

Working in Macrosoft for now is only in the good ending for Will Romance,  i guess Rasfer will improve it a bit at a certain time, but sadly he's working alone in the project and too many things to do in his pervert mind!

Don't forget Crime can be profitable!

The Clothing Store is the family activity, you really wanna work for your mother after avoiding her for 10 years and more??? Masochist!

How so? I'm not a fan of committing crimes mostly, I'm a goody two shoes lmao

(5 edits)

The random sexual encounter at night with Alan will give you the option to split the money (best option to avoid cops and you will raise also INT!).  You need to be neutral to have it started and will raise attitude, is closed if you've sub or slave attitude.

Once your crime is enough high you will have also unlocked the option to advice the thug in the morning about cops when he rob the old lady! (this will always works also in case of sub/slave/neutral attitude, but as said you will need atleast 20 crime point to unlock it if i recall good)

In Prison Razor will give you pills, he will get those back on the day of the release and you will have money in exchange, should be around 50 each..


I want to get the chastity cage and I can't figure out where to get it from, help 😫

Is in the SUB sex worker quest line..  You will have to satisfy 3 clients while wearing it


Wait... this game has game overs? Were there always game overs somewhere or were they just added?

There're many game overs.. some could happens really fast if you do the "wrong" choices.. 

Like ending in jail and avoid to get protection from Razor then go straight to the showers!

(2 edits)

Is the game bugged or its just some scenes have space for images/gifs but there are none? The fastest one I can see that that happens is going to the second floor of Mark-Us Sex shop.

If I “inspect element“ I can see that there is a “<center></center>“ where an image/gif should be, but its empty.

(edit: going as a Sub Guy gives me enough Social and pervesion for the scene to be narrated and be able to choose both oral and anal sex)

Who is the actor used for the Lazarus character?


The first scene with Will won't activate at the mall despite me having a sub attitude.  Have I missed something?

(3 edits)

You can find Will at the Mall only Tuesday morning..

Trigger from hang out in the Mall, will need to be neutral or sub to start the relationship otherwise will end before to start! Remember you can start only one relationship at time,  best way to progress with Will is to start it together with the fighting club, you will unlock also the special scene in VR with him doing that, but will close the Garret route, you can't have all them just in run!

Take 2 weeks of payment to progress his romance, the last appointment in Macrosoft will close the route, but you can wait to win against Garret before to go to it!

I'm crying on dalton's route 😭😭🤧 it's cute and sad and disgusting and heartfelt and the end where they have a (spoiler baby) and she's soo cute and... And it's soo wholesome for gods sake I'm sobbing and it's a one big happy family now 😭😭😭


Hello, how do I get promoted at URSUS Work like I already have 100% progress but I already know what to do to get promoted

The Dev is still working on the Ursus quest..  

What is the cheat code?

i believe the cheat code is “slut”

Yeah, that's the code

I tried that but it said that was incorrect.

It can't be, I use that code for testing almost daily. it's slut


Maybe is just on my side. If it works for you then maybe mine is the problem. Anyways, I’ll restart it and try it again..

(3 edits) (+2)

I don't get how to get the Ursus job? It's extremely difficult to increase all of muscles, anal top, oral top, anal bottom, and oral bottom when you don't have a job. Like, you definitely can, but it costs money and you don't have a job... so... it's difficult. You also can't get a second chance even though there is a link for it. The link just does nothing.

EDIT: Ok, well it's not actually that difficult if you know the requirements ahead of time. It just takes a long time if you need to catch up on reqs while in the middle of trying to get the job.

Share those requirements please?

(2 edits) (+1)

IIRC you need Muscles 30+ and the other 4 at 10+. You have enough starting money that you can get a permanent gym membership for muscle req, you can easily get your bottom points up for free, then after talking to Mack you have access to easier top points, though they aren't free so you may need to supplement income. Probably the easiest way to do that is the quiz show, which is a random encounter but it's not hard to just run around until you find it.

Firstly, I like the game.

What about a romance with the head of the computer company? You could also include a job option to work there.  as an alternative, perhaps working at the computer shop in the mall.   Perhaps you already have that in mind, it is just a suggestion.  

Is it also possible to have a romance with Luke somehow?

Also, do you plan to have the bar as a visitable place in future releases? Maybe a job there?

(1 edit) (+2)

What's the name of the actor for option 21 on the character profile(blonde haired guy with beard) and the name of the guy thats named Dalton Johnson . actually if its not to much trouble could you make a separate sheet with the names of all the actors playing the roles of the guys in the game?

Dalton Johnson is Zak Spears

can i have other jobs besides JCS?


(SPOILER ALERT) Whenever I try to have the romance at 100, this scene appears and rejects me, ¿how do I follow the story without Dalton rejecting me?


Ok, this is a spoiler, I'll put the answer below

Dalton will reject you no matter what you do on Malcolm's house. Now, If you kiss him, you'll notice that the romance went up. That's your clue to know that he still cares for you. If my memory doesn't fail me, you should have 80 romance with him if you were successful on the restaurant date and kiss him after Malcolm's dinner. You'll get the good ending.

In case you want the bad ending, you should fail either at the restaurant date, or refuse to do anything at the end of Malcolm's dinner.

Deleted 1 year ago

Heh... I see where you're going with that, male preg is hot. I have a FtM LI planned (not Mark though), and I can go this route with him. Unfortunately, I have some storylines planned before that.

when is the next update 

Wow! This is great! Looking forward to the next version! Just one comment: I got to prison and on the day of release, there were no options to click in order to leave the conversation with the guard before getting your stuff back.

can anyone tell me the cheat password?

The cheat password is ursus


thank you!

i tryed ursus it saying it worng password


Wow, I never tested on a device like that, in android, I tested it using joiplay. I have the instructions for it on the download section.

thanks and sorry I didn't notice there was an instruction 


Great game! Looking forward to the updates <3

Thank you <3

You need some work on your branding title sprock because when I first essentially saw the title I thought we were going to play as a talking bear trying to get into human female cheeks but not going to lie I wouldn't be even more impressed if that was the game it would actually be funny go around as a talking grizzly bear try convince human beings that were just a guy that likes to dress up in a bear suit

Spoiler question below:

Is it possible for the MC to "win" in the BDSM battle during the governor's party in the JCS storyline? I retried it until I full cleared it (I didn't lose any will and the other person completely lost theirs) but I still had the attitude shift and "lost" my will. I get that it may be integral to the storyline, but if it is I'd say just don't make it a minigame with health bars, just have the text.

(1 edit) (+1)

Ok, to answer the question

That battle is to protect your mind and save your life, if you lose the battle, your mind will be destroyed completely without any chance to recovery and you would fall into SCS hands.

You may see the effect of the will lost as losing, but that actually made the MC to get through this. What Max does on that evening was reckless and totally stupid, risking the MC's mind completely. Anyone else would have lost it (he was intending to do this to Luke instead of the MC)

But I agree it could have been an standard sex encounter, since the mechanic of that mission was already different. Heh, I guess I made it more difficult than I should have. I'm noting this feedback for the Ursus storyline I'm doing.


Fair and well explained. I don't think I've ever actually "lost" that fight to see what the true lose condition is, so the win condition still seemed like losing.

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